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Echigoyuzawa Mountain tours


Welcome to Chicka.

Chicka is located in Yuzawa-machi, Niigata Japan. There are many mountains ,and a lot of snows during winter season. Yuzawa is one of the greatest snow resort in the world!! and, one of best access from Tokyo.

We has Moutain tours for all seasons. Hiking guide tour, Snowshoeing tour, Snowboarding lesson, Sightseeing tour.
Fuji Mountain overnight tours are also available from July-September.
Please check our tour page. I hope to see you soon!!!



  • 2023/8/4> Hot summer is for cool mountains. Tours are being held in good spirits. For more information, click here.

  • 2023/7/20> TSUKEMEN 15th anniversary documentary programme broadcast. Ms Kanae Minato will appear. Filmed at Mt Hatsugasa, Yatsugatake, from 14:30 on 29 July (Sat).

  • 2023/3/31> Re-broadcast of Nippon Hyakumeizan: Hirabesan (平標山), on NHK Niigata Broadcasting Station from 19:30 on 7 Apr (Fri) to 13:05 on 9 Apr (Sun).


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CHICKA  is in Yuzawa-machi, Niigata Japan. 


Chicka is located in Yuzawa-machi, Niigata prefere Japan. There are many mountains ,and a lot of snows during winter season. Yuzawa is one of the greatest snow resort in the world!! and, one of best access from Tokyo.

70 minutes by Shinkansen from Tokyo station.


Yuzawa is one of the best access by Shinkansen. once you get off Echigoyuzawa station from Tokyo station. If you need the shuttle service from station or your hotel to any mountains, Please ask about that.

Hot springs, Sake bar, Restaurants, available after Tour.


There are many amazing Onsen , Sake bar&shop,Restaurants in Downtown of Yuzawa.  We will show you some recommended spots.  Please refresh your body, and where you can enjoy amazing time!!!

YUZAWA You’re the wonderful Vol 04 平標山篇 Mt Tairappyou

YUZAWA You’re the wonderful Vol 04 平標山篇 Mt Tairappyou

日本花の百名山「平標山」 新潟県と群馬県の県境にある 「花の百名山」の一つにも選ばれている平標山(標高1984m)。 関東圏からのアクセスも良く、バス停を降りてから山頂までのコースタイムは3時間程。山頂では標高2000m近くまで上がり、高山の雰囲気が味わえます。越後平野、苗場山、巻機山、越後三山、谷川岳、天気が良ければ北アルプスを始め、富士山までご覧いただける360度の眺望が望めます。今回の動画では松手山ルートから平標山山頂を目指し、山頂から仙ノ倉山へと続くゆるやかな稜線上にある、高山直物咲き乱れるお花畑を楽しみ、平標山の家に泊まり、平元新道で帰宅するルートを撮影。 咲き誇る高山植物とドローンでの空撮は必見です♪ 登山ガイド 飯田 千香子(officechicka) モデル   本田 美佐子       関  由美子 撮影・編集 星野 隼人(Hype) 企画・プロデュース 関 拓真(Resonityaction㈱) 協力 平標山の家 製作 道の駅みつまた 道の駅みつまた facebook #平標山 #高山植物 #苗場山 #道の駅みつまた #登山動画 #仙ノ倉山 #越後湯沢 #苗場 #登山 #YAMAP動画コンテスト2021
Starting winter season!! - HD 1080p

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